For full text PDFs, please, send Gustavo an email or visit his ResearchGate profile:
2024. Short-term extinction predicted by population viability analysis for a Neotropical salt marsh endemic bird. Sandretti-Silva G., Vannucchi FS, Teixeira L, Tan TY, Mori GM, Reinert BL, Bornschein MR.
2023. Landscape genetics in a highly threatened environment: how relevant to ants is the physiognomic mosaic of the cerrado savanna? M Azevedo-Silva, MC Côrtes, CS Carvalho, GM Mori, AP Souza, PS Oliveira
2023. The role of oceanic currents in the dispersal and connectivity of the mangrove Rhizophora mangle on the Southwest
Atlantic region. AG Madeira , Y Tsuda, Y
Nagano, T Iwasaki, MI Zucchi, T Kajita, GM Mori
2022. Natural history of two carpenter ants, Camponotus renggeri and C. rufipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in an Atlantic Forest reserve. MP Pereira-Romeiro, GT Vanin, M Azevedo-Silva, GM Mori
2022. Editorial: Integrated phylogeography and population genomics of coastal ecosystems. GM Mori, ASK Wee, Y Tsuda, DD Hinsinger.
2022. Relationships of mineralized dermal layer of mountain endemic miniature frogs with climate. R de B Mari, GM Mori, FS Vannucchi, LF Ribeiro, CN Correa, SKS de Lima, L Teixeira, G Sandretti‐Silva, J Nadaline, MR Bornschein
2022. Differential Adaptive Potential and Vulnerability to Climate-Driven Habitat Loss in Brazilian
JD Vidal Junior, GM Mori, MV Cruz, MF da Silva, YA de Moura, AP Souza.
2021. Effects of Serine or Threonine in the Active Site of Typical 2-Cys Prx on Hyperoxidation Susceptibility and on Chaperone Activity. CA Tairum, MC Santos, CA Breyer, ALP de Oliveira, VIM Cabrera, G Toledo-Silva, GM Mori, MH Toyama, LE Soares-Netto, MA Oliveira.
2021. Geographical and environmental contributions to genomic divergence in mangrove forests. MF Da Silva, MV Cruz, JDD Vidal Júnior, MI Zucchi, GM Mori, AP Souza.
2021. Testing species hypotheses in the mangrove genus Rhizophora from the Western hemisphere and South Pacific islands. GM Mori, AG Madeira, MV Cruz, Y Tsuda, K Takayama, Y Matsuki, Y Suyama, T Iwasaki, AP Souza, MI Zucchi, T Kajita.
2020. Digest: A lizard evolutionary history illustrates a past Neotropical dispersal route. Weisenberg EW, Mori GM.
2020. Breeding systems and genetic diversity in tropical carpenter ant colonies: different strategies for similar outcomes in Brazilian Cerrado savanna. M Azevedo-Silva, GM Mori, CS Carvalho, MC Côrtes, AP Souza, Oliveira PS.
2020. Glutaredoxin-like protein (GLP)—a novel bacteria sulfurtransferase that protects cells against cyanide and oxidative stresses. CP de Paula, MC dos
Santos, CA Tairum, CA Breyer, G Toledo-Silva, Toyama MH, Mori GM, Oliveira MA.
2019. Molecular responses to freshwater limitation in the mangrove tree Avicennia
germinans (Acanthaceae).
Cruz MV, Mori GM, Oh DH, Dassanayake M, Zucchi MI, Oliveira RS, de Souza AP.
2019. Local adaptation of a dominant coastal tree to freshwater availability and solar radiation suggested by genomic and ecophysiological approaches. Cruz MV, Mori GM, Signori-Müller C, da Silva CC, Oh DH, Dassanayake M, Zucchi MI, Oliveira RS, de Souza AP.
2019. Elucidating the Clusia criuva species ‘complex’: cryptic taxa can exhibit great genetic and geographical variation. MBS Cortez, DA Sforça, FM Alves, JD Vidal, A Alves-Pereira, GM Mori, IA Andreotti, JE Nascimento Jr, V Bittrich, MI Zucchi, MCE Amaral, AP de Souza.
2019. The integration and application of genomic information in mangrove conservation. AKS Wee*, GM Mori*, CF Lira-Medeiros, J Núñez-Farfán, K Takayama, L Faulks, S Shi, Y Tsuda, Y Suyama, T Yamamoto, I Iwasaki, Y Nagano, Z Wang, S Watanabe, T Kajita.
2018. Molecular genotyping, diversity studies and high-resolution molecular markers unveiled by microsatellites in Giardia duodenalis. M Durigan , CB Cardoso-Silva, M Ciampi-Guillardi, G Toledo-Silva, GM Mori, RMB Franco, AP Souza.
2018. Local adaptation insights from genomics and ecophysiology of a neotropical mangrove. MV Cruz, GM Mori, C Müller, CC Silva, DH Oh, M Dassanayake, MI Zucchi, RS Oliveira, AP Souza. (preprint)
2018. Population genetic structure, introgression, and hybridization in the genus Rhizophora along the
Brazilian coast. PM Francisco*, GM Mori*, FM Alves, E Tambarussi , AP Souza.
2017. Genetic diversity of reintroduced tree populations in restoration plantations of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. MI Zucchi, PS Sujii, GM Mori, JPG Viana, C Grando, EA Silvestre, KD Schwarcz, CM Macrini, MM Bajay, FL Araújo, MVBM Siqueira, A Alves-Pereira, AP Souza, JB Pinheiro, RR Rodrigues, PHS Brancalion.
2017. Recovery of genetic diversity levels of a Neotropical tree in Atlantic Forest restoration plantations. PS Sujii, KD Schwarcz, C Grando, EA Silvestre, GMM Mori, PHS Brancalion, MI Zucchi.
2017. Can environmental pollution by metals change genetic diversity? Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) as an study case in Southeastern Brazilian mangroves. KRS Banci, GM Mori, MA Oliveira, FL Paganelli, MR Pereira, MAA Pinheiro.
2016. Genetic structure and diversity of populations of polyploid Tibouchina pulchra Cogn. (Melastomataceae) under different environmental conditions in extremes of an elevational gradient. VLG Brito, GM Mori, BBZ Vigna,M Azevedo-Silva, AP Souza, M Sazima.
2016. Development and Characterization of 27 Microsatellite Markers for the Mangrove Fern, Acrostichum aureum (Pteridaceae). T Yamamoto, Y Tsuda, GM Mori, MV Cruz, Y Shinmura, AKS Wee, K Takayama, T Asakawa, T Yamakawa, M Suleiman, J Núñez-Farfán, EL Webb, Y Watano, T Kajita.
2016. Three ways to distinguish species: using behavioural, ecological, and molecular data to tell apart two closely related ants, Camponotus renggeri and Camponotus rufipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). MUV Ronque, M Azevedo‐Silva, GM Mori, AP Souza, PS Oliveira.
2015. Genetic Structure and Molecular Diversity of Cacao Plants Established as Local Varieties for More than Two Centuries: The Genetic History of Cacao Plantations in Bahia, Brazil. ESL Santos, CBM Cerqueira-Silva, GM Mori, D Ahnert, DLN Mello, JL Pires, RX Correa, AP Souza.
2015. Species distribution and introgressive hybridization of two Avicennia species from the Western Hemisphere unveiled by phylogeographic patterns. GM Mori, MI Zucchi, I Sampaio, AP Souza. [press in English, en Español, ou em Português]
2015. Multiple-geographic-scale genetic structure of two mangrove tree species: the roles of mating system, hybridization, limited dispersal and extrinsic factors. GM Mori, MI Zucchi, Sampaio, AP Souza.
2015. Microsatellites for two Neotropical dominant ant species, Camponotus renggeri and C. rufipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). M Azevedo‐Silva, GM Mori, AP Souza, PS Oliveira.
2015. Molecular Genetic Variability of Commercial and Wild Accessions of Passion Fruit (Passiflora spp.) Targeting ex Situ Conservation and Breeding. CBM Cerqueira-Silva, ESL Santos, ON Jesus, JGP Vieira, GM Mori, RX Correa, AP Souza.
* denotes equal contribution.
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